20 March 2016

Reflecting brought my project back to life!

As part of this course on Project Based Learning, we were asked to research one of many different types of project based learning . . .

Waaaaayyyyy back in 2013, I attended the Google Teacher Academy (GTA).  Filled to the gills with inspiration, I created an ambitious action plan to implement a program at my school for Genius Time.  Since I only teach 1/2 of the 6th grade students, I wasn't as able to have influence over the other grade levels in my middle school and to be honest ... I felt a little dejected about my limited reach and having to reshape my action plan.  And by reshape, I mean pare down.  There were so many talented, influential, powerful, kind, generous and brilliant educators in my cohort at GTA who were really contributing to the big wide world, and making the world a better place to learn in.  I felt so small and insignificant.

I started looking through some of the resources for the Genius Time topic for this course, and that prompted me to reflect significantly on my journey with Genius Time.  I even looked up my old old old old old old old website that I used to document my journey through my action plan.  This is a huge risk, but HERE is that ancient website. YUCK!

If you took the time to look at that hunk of junk - please take the time to see my new and improved website.  There, you can read my reflection on how my journey, though slow, has not been insignificant.  In fact, I think I have made a significant impact, not only on the program at my school, but also on the students!


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