27 March 2016

What will student agency look like in your classroom one year from today?

Developing student agency in my classroom will be a journey.  Right now, students have some choices in my classroom -- for designing experiments in science, and for developing rubrics for formative (ungraded) learning tasks.  But all of this is very limited, and after this course in PBL I can understand how much further I can go.  In my final project reflection I wrote about how I view PBL as the intersection of several curricular initiatives at my school.  As we implement the MYP and re-write our units I see that it will become easier to use inquiry in my classroom, and to expect students to develop questions that they are seeking answers for, and working together to solve complex and collaborative problems.

I see the re-writing of my units using a PBL approach will allow students to take charge of what they are learning, how they learn it, and to develop their own long and short term goals while they will work towards achieving them by persevering and having a growth mindset.

My classroom needs to become a place where risk-taking and failure are not only accepted, but encouraged.  Where students work independently and hold themselves accountable for their learning.  My goal is that in one year, I am closer to all of these things.

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