07 March 2016

The EdTech Honeycomb

 Boom!  There it is. All a school needs to build a professional development framework for teachers.  I love it!  It hits all the important aspects of school community growth in one beautiful graphic.

Leadership is hard!!  Have you seen "The Lone Nut + First Follower = a Movement" Video?

I have felt like that Lone Nut many times in my teaching career.  And I have also been the first follower.  I know first hand how important all of the parts of that equation are ... we need courageous leaders who will take risks, and go out on a limb, often acting alone for some time before anyone else joins in.  I takes courage to stand in the face of adversity, when doing what's most popular is not always what's best for kids, and certainly not what's easiest.  I definitely think developing courageous leaders in my school in the form of encouraging teachers to be risk takers, and for others to support them, by following, is the most important focus for my school.  I would love to see my school adopt more of a culture of innovation by supporting risk takers and making it OK to fail.  Failing forward is an important part of the growth process.  It's something we try to develop in our students, why not in our community of leaders at a school?

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