10 April 2016

Top 10 Reasons I Love EDpuzzle


That's all I really need to say.  Just check it out for yourself and you'll be hooked.  I could end this blog post right here if I wanted to, because all you need to know is . . . EDpuzzle.  OK, let me get real with you and just tell you how I really feel about EDpuzzle....

Why have I never heard of EDpuzzle before?  You can bet your britches I'll be shouting this one from the mountain top so that no teacher is left behind.   In fact, I shared this with my colleagues during an in-house PD session and they all loved it too.  And they all agreed with my question, "Why have we never known about this before?".  It's that amazing.  Go ahead and check it out for yourself.  Here is a very short (20 second) video I made just to show my colleagues how it work (oh, did I mention the PD was in a bar?  Yeah, I thought a cool bar trick would be perfect!):

So here's my top 10 list for "Why I love EDpuzzle":

1.  You can know if a student actually watched the video or not.  From the teacher dashboard, you can see who has watched it and who has not.
2.  You can get an idea of what each student took away from the video before seeing the students the next day.  From the teacher dashboard you can see how the students did on the quiz that you gave them while watching the video.
3.  You can get an idea of how much the class learned from watching the video.  From the teacher dashboard you can see overall class data from the quiz.  If only 10% of your class got question #3 correct, you know where to start remediating the next day.
4.  You can trim the video. Why ask students to watch the parts of the video that aren't relevant.  Just trim them out.  Now you can use an hour long video and just share the most important 5 minutes that demonstrate the learning you want your students to do!
5.  You can add in questions. Active learning people!!!   I love that students cannot be passive while watching the videos.  You can structure your questions so that if students aren't paying attention, they won't get the questions right.
6.  You can see how many times students re-watched the video. We're not ogres!  If you didn't understand the first time, try again!  We are patient with our learners.
7.  You can add in your own commentary. Want students to hear it told a different way?  Pronounced with a different accent?  Want to make a connection to something you told them in class?  You can!  You can either add in an audio recording, or just a written comment that pops up during that part of the video.
8.  You can record your own audio track to the video. Have you ever found a video that has really great graphics but it's in a language other than your own?  Or maybe a video that just has great graphics.  You can just record your own voice over the video and still use it as your lesson.
9.  EDpuzzle integrates with Google Classroom. This feature is perfect for assigning videos to your students and tracking their data.  So easy!
10. Quim.   He's the founder/CEO of EDpuzzle and not only is he adorable and charming, but he's super intelligent (duh, he invented it) and best of all --- a TEACHER!  No wonder his product is so good, he knows exactly where we're all coming from!

Now, normally I would stop at 10.  To be honest, I didn't know I even had 10 items when I started the list.  But I feel like there is a big one that I should add to this list before I go.

What are you waiting for?  Go sign up NOW!

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