10 April 2016

Blended Learning

I am absolutely loving this learning course from EdTechTeamOnline!  I have learned so much, and have had so many wonderful ideas validated, clarified, brought back to life, and inspire me to be a better teacher.   So far, this course on Flipped Learning has been my favorite, because I used to have such a negative attitude about Flipped Learning, but now, I have seen it in an entirely different light.

Another one of the resources that was shared with us, is this one from Khan Academy about Blended Learning. It's a short little course on Blended Learning that demonstrates the role of flipped learning in each of the Blended Learning Models shown in the course.

So what is Blended Learning?   Yeah - I had to ask myself that, because I kind of thought I knew that already, but I know what kind of trouble that has gotten me into before.  Being the visual learner that I am I did some quick research.

If you have read my previous posts about learning about Flipped Learning here and here, you can probably guess that I basically went nuts for this graphic, because it's exactly what I've been talking about all along!!  Ohhhh..... BLENDED!!!   I get it now!  It's like taking what I thought flipped learning was and sticking it together with what I like best (face to face learning).  Voila!  Blended Learning.  I love it!

In the course above, they go through three different models of Blended Learning Classrooms:

You can click on the link to the video underneath the images to learn more about each model.  One thing I love about the videos is that they offer a protagonist school that is using each model well.  It's helpful to have some examples of schools that are actually using blended learning to get a better understanding of how it might look in my classroom.  Of all these models I think the station model would fit into my classroom set up the best, but really, these examples served as a way for me to change my thinking about Flipped Learning. Now, I have so many different models and ways of thinking about Flipped Learning, I'm actually excited to give it a try in my classroom.   You know how I just love to MIX IT UP!!!

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