10 April 2016

Flipped it!

Here are the two flipped lessons I created for my final project for this course.

#1:  Writing Algebraic Expressions

This one was a real joy to create because I got to play around with EDpuzzle, which you may know, I am in love with!  I also got to sift through Dan Meyers 3 act lessons, which is always fun.  So much creativity there -- if you are a math teacher, make sure you bookmark that spreadsheet and refer to it often!

#2 Representing Independent and Dependent Variables

This lesson gave me A LOT more frustration - because I tried to be all fancy and "try new things".... curses!!!!   I tried the app Lensoo Create for my ipad, to make my own flipped video.  The app took some getting used to. I couldn't figure out how to delete slides, and when I tried to clip some of the audio, I lost the entire video.  THE. ENTIRE. THING!!!  Not even my slides remained . . . nothing.  So I had to start all over from the beginning (drawing all those graphs!!!) and I can't begin to tell you how frustrating that was for me.  Once I finished the video in Lensoo, it took some time to process and upload the video to youtube, and I was a little impatient while waiting for that.   In the mean time, I tried another new tool -- Blendspace, to pull together the element of the lesson I created.  Let me just say that I was already so frustrated from the Lensoo ordeal, that the fact that the URL is NOT www.blendspace.com really aggravated me.  The URL is https://www.tes.com/lessons.  ????  What the heck?  Why?  This just started things off on the wrong foot for me.  I started building my lesson, which I was kind of proud of.  I thought it was a pretty good lesson. And then I realized that even though I connected my google drive, I was still only able to upload microsoft word and powerpoint files.

And that is truly how I felt.  WHY Blendspace?  WHY????

Finally got the video loaded to youtube, downloaded my google slides as ppt files (see above!) and here is the final product:

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